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video_2021-08-20_02-18-14 EgroF 104 Tampilan • 3 bertahun-tahun yang lalu


video_2021-08-19_23-27-31 EgroF 65 Tampilan • 3 bertahun-tahun yang lalu


Is total control legal?
Is total control legal? EgroF 20 Tampilan • 3 bertahun-tahun yang lalu

⁣Who pays for cyber terrorism?

Who will protect the children?
Who will protect the children? EgroF 14 Tampilan • 3 bertahun-tahun yang lalu

Inclusive fascism

Facts EgroF 26 Tampilan • 3 bertahun-tahun yang lalu

⁣What do you think to do about these facts?

Vaccinated against coronavirus will die within the next three years
Vaccinated against coronavirus will die within the next three years EgroF 33 Tampilan • 3 bertahun-tahun yang lalu

⁣A woman working for a major recruiting campaign claims the companies she works with are well aware that employees who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus will die within the next three years, leading to a shortage of staff that needs to be replenished quickly.

What year is it?
What year is it? EgroF 15 Tampilan • 3 bertahun-tahun yang lalu

⁣⁣"Symbols rule the world"

Children are your future.
Children are your future. EgroF 20 Tampilan • 3 bertahun-tahun yang lalu

⁣What's happening?

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